The Organisational Change (OC) programme
is designed for senior managers who wish to lead organisational change by working with their managers and teams to introduce change and innovation into their organisation.

The programme is delivered over 35 weeks, with online content and in-built support from experienced GCWAL facilitators.
The chief executives or senior managers will reflect with the GCWAL facilitators on issues or problems within their organisations and go through a creative thinking and learning process using the WAL formula to plan and implement organisational or divisional change.
With the guidance of the GCWAL facilitator and the use of the WAL formula, participants will:
- Identify and diagnose the need for innovation and organisational change
- Properly research the problem and process
- Construct a design for a sustainable change plan
- Lead and manage the people issues involved in the change process, and
- Communicate change in a motivating and emotionally intelligent way
Participants will complete project plans and an implementation report of the project. Successful completion of this programme will result in the award of certification.
Senior managers who have completed this programme have the option to proceed to Levels 2 and 3 of the Work-Applied Change Management Series as shown in the diagram, for more advanced knowledge and practice of change management, using the WAL change model.